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How to Start a Gratitude Journal

How to Start a Gratitude Journal

When I first heard about gratitude journaling, I'll admit I was skeptical. The idea of writing down things I was thankful for every day seemed a bit cheesy and, frankly, like a waste of time. But little did I know that this simple practice would become a cornerstone...

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How to Cope with Panic Attacks Tips and Strategies

How to Cope with Panic Attacks Tips and Strategies

What to do during a panic attack, grounding exercises, seeking professional help. Actionable techniques for managing panic attacks, including breathing exercises, grounding techniques, and creating a calming environment for yourself

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How to Recognize High-Functioning Depression

How to Recognize High-Functioning Depression

Recognize High-Functioning Depression Depression doesn't always look like what you see in the movies. Sometimes, it's not about staying in bed all day or crying uncontrollably. Sometimes, it's about pushing through each day with a smile on your face while feeling...

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6 Effective Coping Strategies for Managing Depression

6 Effective Coping Strategies for Managing Depression

Your Journey to Managing Depression Depression is a beast I've battled for years. Sometimes it's like being trapped in a dense, suffocating fog that obscures everything, while other times, it's a mist that lingers in the background. Throughout my journey, I've found...

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Understanding Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Understanding Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Whether you're a teen trying to cope with the pressures of school or an adult trying to figure out how to create balance, anxiety can significantly disrupt your quality of life. Let’s explore some common symptoms, causes, and treatments of anxiety to help you...

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Unpacking EMDR

Unpacking EMDR

Unpacking EMDR:    The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and Trauma Over the past four years, terms like trauma, anxiety, and therapy have been trending across social media. There's also been a surge in people being more empowered to seek knowledge about their...

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Grief with EMDR Therapy

Grief with EMDR Therapy

Navigating Grief with EMDR Therapy: A Journey to Healing I was afraid of attaching to anyone because I didn’t want to make myself vulnerable to the pain of losing them if they died. It’s hard to focus on hope amidst the waves of sorrow, and the last thing I wanted to...

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Healing Together

Healing Together

Healing Together Six Benefits of Group Healing for Depression Introduction Some of the most common statements made by sufferers of depression are, “No one understands me,” “I feel alone,” and ”there’s something wrong with me.” Depression often leads to feelings of...

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Stressed and Anxious

Stressed and Anxious

Stressed and Anxious Stressed and Anxious: Understanding the Difference Between Stress and Anxiety Introduction The terms stress and anxiety are more widely accepted than in past times and are now used interchangeably. Stress is a precursor to anxiety, but they are...

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Depressed in Silence!

Depressed in Silence!

Depressed in Silence! All roads take you on a journey; you don't have to travel through this life alone. Sometimes life seems like a long lonely road to nowhere. Most of us walk around pretending that we have it all together, even when we're hanging on by a thread....

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Four Reasons Why Teenagers Rebel

Four Reasons Why Teenagers Rebel

Four Reasons Why Teenagers Rebel I recently facilitated a rap session with a group of teens and young adults ages 16 to 19. They identified one of their main stressors as their parents’ unintentional oppressive tendencies. They were frustrated with the dictatorship...

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5 Reasons Why Young Adults get Depressed

5 Reasons Why Young Adults get Depressed

5 Reasons Why Young Adults get Depressed There is a gross misperception that when an individual enters young adulthood (between the ages of 18 to 29) they transition into a state of bliss, fun and contentment. On the contrary, it can be extremely difficult to adjust...

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Suicide is Not For Cowards!

Suicide is Not For Cowards!

Suicide is Not For Cowards! Last week was National Suicide Prevention Week, and it hit me hard, especially when I was reminded that suicide is the third leading cause of death among children and young adults from ages 10 to 24. I thought about all the people I knew...

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Anxiety in Men

Anxiety in Men

Anxiety in Men He was sitting behind his desk at work and his chest started to feel like bricks were piling up on top of it; he was sweating, experiencing shortness of breath, and had a headache. Furthermore, he hadn't had a good night's sleep in weeks. He sat there...

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The Day I lost my 3 a.m. Friend

The Day I lost my 3 a.m. Friend

The Day I lost my 3 a.m. Friend... Some days I wake up feeling like I can conquer the world, then fate throws me a curve ball. I often catch it, but sometimes I miss. When I lose, my courage wavers and I begin to feel unworthy, hopeless and anxious. If I consider...

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I Didn’t know I was depressed

I Didn’t know I was depressed

I Didn't know I was depressed Christopher's steps were pronounced when he walked he dragged his feet and his gaze was sporadic.  He had no enthusiasm, didn't care for friends, and he had bags under his eyes. Christopher's childhood was spent in a home where his name...

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Anxiety: Commonly Unperceived Factors

Anxiety: Commonly Unperceived Factors

Anxiety: Commonly Unperceived Factors Anxiety disorders are recognized as the leading mental health illness in the United States, yet only 36 percent of the American population diagnosed with anxiety receives treatment. Do you wonder why this occurs? Anxiety disorders...

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THE BREAKUP Dear Anxiety: I remember the first time I met you; I was confident, determined and carefree. You appeared out of nowhere, as if you were lurking in the background, waiting for the chance to take advantage of me. I was introduced to you by a family member...

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